Skype: keith.mapson – Email:
Phone: 00 44 (0)7576220221 – Skype: keith.mapson – Email:
Merlin Healing®
The magical ancient healing alchemy of Merlin.
Making the unconscious conscious.
Bringing the transformation of negative energy
blockages into the creation of positive changes to enhance life and living.
Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit.
Encourages Awakening.
Keith M Mapson – Founder/Teacher
Merlin Healing®
is a holistic healing art to effect positive transformation, healing, raising consciousness and potentially leading to awakening of mind, body and soul. It is delivered through teachings and individual private and/or group sessions. It is is a non-contact healing art bringing in coded frequencies of healing energy and sacred geometry to effect positive change and transformation. The healing itself has transformative qualities that can free us from parts of our karma, conditioning, programming and so on. The energy is full of love and can create inner freedom on many levels, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Being channeled from the Merlin Crystal that’s located in the vicinity of the Heart chakra, it is easy to work with and very effective at clearing the energetic blockages that can make life difficult and complicated. The Merlin Crystal is expanded upon through each of the M levels up to M7 One. At this M7 One level the crystal is fully formed containing the basic 7 elements (known as the platonic solids) of sacred geometry. Starting with the Octahedron another one of those six elements through to the Star Tetrahedron is introduced and integrated into the crystal through each of the healing levels M1 Pure Heart to M7 One.
Following this there are the Awakening levels ‘M8 Infinity – part 1’ to ‘M11 Infinity – part 4’ in June 2022. It’s been shown to me there will be an ‘M12 Infinity – part 5’ to follow.
Merlin Healing® has been brought into existence by the ancient alchemist known as Merlin (see footnote*). Merlin chose Keith Mapson to be the holder and founder of this particular art, and it has continued to grow and evolve since its inception in 2009.
Keith is merely delivering what he’s guided to.
*When talking of Merlin we don’t mean the Merlin of legend. In that sense it is used as a title and has been by many people through the ages. When talking of Merlin through this website we’re talking about the ancient being who is the source of the energy that is being worked with.
How it came into being…..
This has been progressively and consciously coming together and evolving through Keith since 2009. Read More
What’s in it for you?
Merlin Healing® helps to alleviate unwanted emotions, sensations, and illnesses caused by the mind. It aims to focus on helping the spiritual aspect of yourself (who you really are) to heal the mind and body. It is also very effective at speeding up the recovery of physical injuries and wounds.
The healing itself has transformative qualities that can free us from parts of our karma, conditioning, programming and so on. The energy itself is full of love and can create inner freedom on many levels, emotional, spiritual and physical.
If you are searching to be more in control of, and comfortable with your life and events around you, to be more at ease with life and living and/or to become a healer to help others and self, then this is for you.
Perhaps you want to enhance your healing skills or maybe your life is just a constant struggle.
This will enhance the quality of your life. As your life improves it also affects those around you in a positive way.
As your vibration rises you attract similar high vibration. What you put out is what you attract.
Sometimes it’s a bumpy, twisting road but the thing is to keep walking it until it become smoother and easier to travel.
It’s an ongoing journey and sometimes it takes you outside the comfort zone but Keith will help you through it to something smoother and straighter.
Think in terms of energy flows which require a clear, unrestricted path to be optimised. When the flows are hindered, blocked or restricted then life becomes more difficult. M Healing works to clear those blockages thereby allowing everything to flow more freely. The blocks can be mental, physical, emotional or spiritual. Many, if not all, of the blocks are from past experiences, a past life or lives, which are easily unseen and are in the unconscious part of the mind.
When we try and figure it out ourselves…. Read More
How it works.
It’s delivered through one to one healing sessions, distant group sessions and courses to progressively evolve your system through clearing blockages, bringing in frequencies of light to effect healing of mind, body and spirit, and to progressively promote awakening.
Courses are currently held in UK, Holland and by Skype.
I’m open to giving courses in person in other locations/countries if invited. Contact me if you’d like to arrange something.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
What can be achieved?
It’s impossible to list everything that can be helped. We are all totally unique and individual people and so no two of us are the same. We may have similar issues and problems but how they came about can be through very different circumstances. We live in a world where we want to label every condition, every issue, illness and so on, and because of that it’s expected that we have to fit in with those labels to enable us to know what’s really wrong. By labeling our self as having a particular condition we actually then can become that condition, making it a part of our identity. By reducing everything down to certain labels it’s a bit like reducing a dictionary down to a few hundred words and then trying to describe everything in detail with just the words we’ve been reduced down to.
But to give you an idea of how things can be influenced even from ‘M1 Pure Heart’ level (the higher the M level of training of the practitioner the more can be reached much more effectively and in a shorter time) you can work with the energy to remove mental blocks, confusion, overwhelm,….Read More
“Keith peppers the courses with humour, breaking the ice and maintaining a light and positive atmosphere. He rapidly puts people at ease and is open to student’s queries and questions”.
Merlin Healing® is not associated with any other healing arts, nor is it based on religious or other belief systems or teachings.
M14 - Skype
August 29th to Sept 1st - four days
M12 Infinity Part 5 - Skype
September 23rd to 26th - four days
Event - countdown
Distant Healing session countdown
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Should you wish to give exchange for the free sessions use this Paypal donate button.
Merlin Healing® is not an alternative to professional medical help. If you would normally seek medical help for physical, mental or emotional issues then you should continue to do so.
Merlin Healing® is not associated with nor is it based on any religious beliefs or other belief systems or teachings.
The whole content of this website including images and text is Copyright protected. ©Keith Mapson 2011 – 2024
The ‘M’ symbols, and Merlin Healing® are registered trademarks of Keith M Mapson. All rights reserved.
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