These photos were taken in a cave in Tintagel, Cornwall UK. I’d been told by a psychic friend a few years previously that something would manifest in a cave for me and then in July 2012 I was reminded again by another.
In August 2012 after being in town for a coffee one day I suddenly decided that this was the day.
I took the trip, drove for three and a half hours to Tintagel armed with my camera as I was told to. I’d been to this cave once before in 2001 and had already had a taste of the energy of it. In 2001 the tide was out and it was easy to walk along the beach to the cave. In 2012 the tide was coming up and I had to use stepping stones to get there. Once inside I didn’t really see or feel much and so decided that I’d take some photos anyway. When I lifted the camera and looked through the viewer I could see a well defined beam of blue/white light coming down into the cave but it wouldn’t show on a photograph. I decided to take more photos anyway and just randomly snapped away. After a while I chose to try and ‘tune in’ to Merlin. I did so and was ‘told’ to turn to the left and look at the rock wall. As I did so I could faintly ‘see’ something manifesting energetically but each time I blinked it was gone. I tried to keep my eyes open but then I got a strong urge that I should get out of the cave. I did so and on leaving I found that the tide had come in more and the stepping stones were now under water. I can’t swim and so had to make the choice to get in the water and wade back to shore. It was mid thigh deep but it was okay – just very wet. I got back on land, sat on a rock for a while to dry out a bit and ponder over what I’d experienced in the last half hour. From here is where I took the last picture of the outside of the cave. It wasn’t until I got home later that evening and downloaded the photos to my computer that I saw what was on them.

Make of it what you will but they were taken with a digital camera on normal settings and no flash was used. I’m not clever enough for Photoshop or editing and so they are untouched in that respect. They’re shown here in the order they were taken.

All photos Copyright Keith M Mapson 2012 – 2024©.

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