A Day of Merlin Healing®

– with Keith Mapson

The next event to be announced in 2024

The day will consist of four sessions with breaks in between including one and a half hours for lunch from 1pm.
The sessions will start from 09:00 and we’ll be finished by 5:30pm

There will be four sessions during the day, each lasting approximately one hour. The focus of which will be for Letting go the Past, General Balancing of your entire system, Raising your vibrationConnecting with Gaia.

Join me for a day of clearing and letting go some energetic blockages that restrict your life’s natural flow.
Bringing pure, high frequencies of energy into your system resulting in denser energies being displaced and bringing more inner space and freedom.
The energy will continue to work for a few days, perhaps up to a week or longer afterwards, and frequently brings long term ongoing benefits.

You can also put your own intentions for each session to help relieve current issues that you’re aware of. Alternatively, you can simply receive what there is for your own wellbeing. This can now only be joined at a distance from the comfort of your own home.

Instructions and session timings will be given by email beforehand. We won’t be connecting via Skype/Zoom and there is no online communication during the day. Though afterwards emailed feedback and questions will be welcome.
Having said that, if you would prefer to do it by Skype/Zoom send me an email to keith@mhealing.org.

This is a distance healing day.

Start and finish times will be advised by email.
The cost to join is only £80
Participants need to register their interest and make payment in in advance please. Use the Registration/Payment form below.

Count me in for A Day of Healing ..

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Make a Payment.

Use Stripe or Paypal buttons below.

Online payments can only be made in UK pounds sterling (GBP).
For classes in person in Holland payments can be paid in €uros at the exchange rate at the time.
To see the amount in your own currency use the currency converter at the bottom of Home page.

Enter amount in GBP (UK pounds sterling)