There is no magic pill and it does sometimes take effort and intention to improve life and evolve spiritually. It can be done though and the journey is taken one step at a time. I can open the door for you but it’s up to you to walk through it.
To give an idea of what happens visualise a glass of dirty water. This represents the state of how we are with all of our past ‘stuff’, as in issues and negative reactions to life which are triggered by the environment and people around us. Now visualise clean water being poured into the glass. The clean water represents the energy received during the transmissions (and when channeling/receiving the energy). By pouring clean water into the glass the dirty water will gradually be displaced and become cleaner. This results in a shifting of our individual issues and gradually brings a transformation of our being into a more positive way of living life.
The more water that’s poured into the glass the cleaner/clearer the water inside becomes, the less ‘stuff’ we have hindering our flow of life.
The more energy that comes through your system/energy field the cleaner, less dense, it becomes.