Healing Testimonials

At some point I felt that the area of the Solar Plexus chakra looks like a Ballerina’s skirt, made of many levels of energy material, opening and moving separately in kind of a dance of joy in the rhythm of breath, or without any connection to it.

It felt like more and more inner space was opening up, and being gently immersed in this soft white energy, and then more of the heart freeing up towards the end of the session.

So much light and healing during session, in the heart, feet and my painful shoulders which was appreciated. Also really noticed the connection to Gaia with lots of images and felt like ‘being’ and standing on ancient sites around earth, Glastonbury included, bathed in light.

Hi Keith,
Thought you might like some feedback, I’ve has really strong experiences the last 3 sessions as I am back in the right time zone so can consciously tune in not do it in my sleep, its going then too though!. Anyway feel a lot of unlocking, really let go a good batchboff stuff in the first 2 [sessions], had really vivid re-livings of some experiences that I was holding some stuck resonance about, and have also been in a really good zone since yesterday huge energetic shifts and physical releasing in abdominal area plus much elevated in my general interactions with life situations, you know less triggered, less judgement, less in my head I guess, more present. Thank you, and Merlin Healing, I often ‘see’ him during the meditations stirring and mixing the great comic soup of the field and even then during my own too I feel the same presence. X

The evening of the session, I had exhaustion and the session really helped, there was a few intentions I had going into the session, just an ask, because I was truly to exhausted to engage/focus but sure enough my asks were answered ????

“Thank you so very much, that was very strong. I was aware of my hips and my chest and throat from the beginning. They were moving me? I was aware of a very strong connection with the back of the heart, and a funny guy with long white hair and beard was laughing a lot. I wondered if it was you or Merlin or a past incarnation or some guide, because i felt cared and looked out for. I don’t know if it was because i mentioned corridors, but i did find myself in one. There was one door open, and i tried to look behind it, but it was shut before i got there? I thought it might be so i wouldn’t dwell on what i saw? In any case, it felt very good, and like there was a shift of some sort”.
After a one to one session for closing ancient Karmic doors. January 2017

Hi Keith, just to let you know that I received a real boost after your healing session on Weds . Have sensed that I get much higher in my travels in meditation. I totally transformed into my body of light in the sun yesterday and was able to travel onward. Really great !

I was in a dream state it seems , just getting out of it now ….
…… After I texted you I went downstairs, and I lay on the sofa and slept for about three more hours. The beautiful thing is that I dreamed a dream I hadn’t had in decades. And I really love this dream

SO glad I was in time. Just to say, I’ve just come down, in so many ways, from the session. Was wonderful. I’m buzzing and very tired in a soporific kind of way, which is nice.
So much light and healing during session, in the heart, feet and my painful shoulders which was appreciated. Also really noticed the connection to Gaia with lots of images and felt like ‘being’ and standing on ancient sites around earth, Glastonbury included, bathed in light.

My experience was very deep and moments of absolute bliss, then back to body again and lots more. For the first time I lay down half way through. In the past I’ve sat cross legged for the duration. It was so nice and felt like I was floating and being cared for.

Hey Keith, this was a lovely session, felt a beautiful warm safe blissful Gaia connection, lots of warmth, found myself in a grey/brown space at one point, like clay in its feel, very thick, reaching a centre point and unlocking something that gave colour and lightness so i could clearly see a red heart and felt this unlocking and a warm flow of life surging through me and this experience. I was still left facing some of my challenging most addictive patterns and cycles, such as the need to find out what is happening next, the need to know, the feeling of chasing something more, but the new element of knowing I was safe and loved helped me see these with less attachment. Having an embodied experience of this Gaia connection was so beautiful, it’s always so special when we can shift from knowing something on a more cerebral level to feeling it deeply as truth within ourselves and this was a particularly special one for me… a fundamental feeling of knowing we are loved. It was one of may favourite sessions so far, it was such a nurturing energy to work with.

Thanks Keith, it was the perfect subject for me. What a lovely, liberating session.

I felt emptiness and stillness from the start of the session and very much in the heart half way through my heart wanted to go for a walk in nature… So it did and connected very deeply with my whole being and nature – and Caerwen no doubt ???? all very beautiful… Thank you.

Tonight I felt the energy very deeply. For the first 30mins I was completely zoned out… I felt myself twitching and jumpy… That feeling you get just before you go to sleep like a buzzy feeling that makes you jump as if you nearly left your body. I had a theme going on but no recollection when I came to. The last 30 mins I was resting and completely at peace… A truly lovely session Keith felt like it was only about 10 mins long… I’m not sure what but I feel something has shifted.

Yes, okay….in the beginning it was a bit hard to relax then the energy came in and blew me away somewhere very far….and then at 9 I opened my eyes and for a moment I did not know where I was or how I came here and if it was night or day. A nice trip and deep knock out ….feel refreshed now and more grounded.

Wow, that was intense. I started feeling stuff coming up about an hour before the session. I saw a slow slideshow of all the most recent times I’ve been triggered into negative emotional states. I felt it stirring and stirring around until I got sick and tired of it and finally let go. Cried a little at about 7:45, but not as much as I thought I would. Then peace.

I saw a huge bright light coming in around me, a brightness I was a little in shock of it, so shiny and so big.

I slept well…very rare…and this morning….so far….the area feels ‘light’….not full of dense activity and pain as it has for some time !!! A huge difference…not my imagination…and no bleeding either…..a definite change going on……

I have had the most positive day I have had in a long time….The strong Me has returned…
Have taken a walk up the very steep hill behind our house…saying a strength mantra with each step…feeling more together….my symptoms have continued to have radically improved!!!
Truly amazing…

I feel sooo much better and positive thanks to the healing session.
The energy was really strong, and I was in a galaxy of stars**

It was like a treatment. Very subtle and very light but as though the energy was going through my body so subtlety and gently, for times it was almost imperceptible. I remember feeling very present and in the room, and the energy visited me rather than the other way round, funnily enough. I do remember the ending bit was focused on the heart, which was beautiful.

Great session Keith. Lots of self enquiry as I became aware of stuff arising. Mostly stuff around surrender and the doer. Observing the perimeters of my self limitations with this. Recognised deeper genetic issues. Stayed with it used M mantra into the identity. Lovely to notice and feel my surrendering deepening in the process. Really enjoyed tonight’s session thank you Merlin, Keith, the Gonas and peace blessings to the whole group… Much love

Thank you so much for the sessions.

Some of the sessions I could feel some work going on deep in my head.

All in all, I felt a quiet clarity come over my thinking over these two days.
I could have more space noting negative tapes going on and making a different decision.


After repeating ‘Being in Stillness’

An interesting session. When I closed my eyes there was activity inside along with a sense of light. After what seemed like only a few minutes, the session was just about over — but I had been both conscious and aware of a spacious light throughout. In essence, it was if we entered “no time” during the event … which the system does not currently seem capable of remembering beyond the sense of light and spaciousness.

Wow, thank you for Sunday’s session, best £10 I’ve spent in a while!! Letting Go Resistance, perfect focus for me.

First 15 minutes, mind chatting a bit, and then gone, next thing I was aware it was 8.30pm and didn’t come fully back for another 10 minutes.
Monday morning I woke up as though some huge resistance had been lifted (hurray). Felt ready at long last to do the things I actually wanted to do, but part of had been resisting.
I feel the Merlin sessions have also been a big part of my spiritual growth!! So thank you Keith, Merlin and all those higher beings.

Tonight I felt the energy very deeply. For the first 30mins I was completely zoned out… I felt myself twitching and jumpy… That feeling you get just before you go to sleep like a buzzy feeling that makes you jump as if you nearly left your body. I had a theme going on but no recollection when I came to. The last 30 mins I was resting and completely at peace… A truly lovely session Keith felt like it was only about 10 mins long… I’m not sure what but I feel something has shifted.

“Thank you so very much, that was very strong. I was aware of my hips and my chest and throat from the beginning. They were moving me? I was aware of a very strong connection with the back of the heart, and a funny guy with long white hair and beard was laughing a lot. I wondered if it was you or Merlin or a past incarnation or some guide, because i felt cared and looked out for. I don’t know if it was because i mentioned corridors, but i did find myself in one. There was one door open, and i tried to look behind it, but it was shut before i got there? I thought it might be so i wouldn’t dwell on what i saw? In any case, it felt very good, and like there was a shift of some sort”.
After a one to one session for closing ancient Karmic doors. January 2017

Hey Keith, this was a lovely session, felt a beautiful warm safe blissful Gaia connection, lots of warmth, found myself in a grey/brown space at one point, like clay in its feel, very thick, reaching a centre point and unlocking something that gave colour and lightness so i could clearly see a red heart and felt this unlocking and a warm flow of life surging through me and this experience. I was still left facing some of my challenging most addictive patterns and cycles, such as the need to find out what is happening next, the need to know, the feeling of chasing something more, but the new element of knowing I was safe and loved helped me see these with less attachment. Having an embodied experience of this Gaia connection was so beautiful, it’s always so special when we can shift from knowing something on a more cerebral level to feeling it deeply as truth within ourselves and this was a particularly special one for me… a fundamental feeling of knowing we are loved. It was one of may favourite sessions so far, it was such a nurturing energy to work with.

I felt like being in a high speed environment. As if I pulled through my bed. I saw some multidimensional things. Bright light. A awareness of a never ending energy, like a pulsar, a star that still brings energy and light to the earth, but isn’t physically there anymore. That never ending energy resonates through the cosmos. And in me. Forever.
Than I became emotional, and let go a lot of black energy. And slept like never before.

Wow, that was intense. I started feeling stuff coming up about an hour before the session. I saw a slow slideshow of all the most recent times I’ve been triggered into negative emotional states. I felt it stirring and stirring around until I got sick and tired of it and finally let go. Cried a little at about 7:45, but not as much as I thought I would. Then peace.

Before the session started, I felt very tired – then the session started, and I went very deep, slipping in and out of consciousness – yet being conscious for some of that time too.
This morning I feel light, clear and energized. Thank you for a very special energetic session.

When the session started i saw a bright white star. It was so bright i thought it was one of the white led’s on my router but it wasn’t. Saw colours felt the energy then there was a break 30 mins in. Next time i looked at the clock it had been 1.5 hours. So must have been out for lunch. Felt buzzing energy everywhere. I felt similar before when i woke up after sleeping during a healing with christ energy. It is very high vibration energy.

At some point I felt that the area of the Solar Plexus chakra looks like a Ballerina’s skirt, made of many levels of energy material, opening and moving separately in kind of a dance of joy in the rhythm of breath, or without any connection to it.

It was like a treatment. Very subtle and very light but as though the energy was going through my body so subtlety and gently, for times it was almost imperceptible. I remember feeling very present and in the room, and the energy visited me rather than the other way round, funnily enough. I do remember the ending bit was focused on the heart, which was beautiful.

I enjoyed the very colorful, serene other dimensional waves of love during this session.
Flashing from lavender in another dimension, zooming through the universe, coming out
to a bright yellow universal fullness. . . what a refreshing, lovely trip. Thank you.

It was like a treatment. Very subtle and very light but as though the energy was going through my body so subtlety and gently, for times it was almost imperceptible. I remember feeling very present and in the room, and the energy visited me rather than the other way round, funnily enough. I do remember the ending bit was focused on the heart, which was beautiful.

I was irritated for about 15 min (I think, but didn’t check) by a very bright light. The light was like a flashlight into my face. I thought I’d forgotten to turn the light off. After 15 min I was so annoyed by the light that I opened my eyes to turn it off. Only, there was no light on!

Hi Keith,
Thought you might like some feedback, I’ve has really strong experiences the last 3 sessions as I am back in the right time zone so can consciously tune in not do it in my sleep, its going then too though!. Anyway feel a lot of unlocking, really let go a good batchboff stuff in the first 2 [sessions], had really vivid re-livings of some experiences that I was holding some stuck resonance about, and have also been in a really good zone since yesterday huge energetic shifts and physical releasing in abdominal area plus much elevated in my general interactions with life situations, you know less triggered, less judgement, less in my head I guess, more present. Thank you, and Merlin Healing, I often ‘see’ him during the meditations stirring and mixing the great comic soup of the field and even then during my own too I feel the same presence. X

The session started with sensation like my body moving on the mattress slightly with each heartbeat, a bit like lying on ocean waves. Then there was various stages which i saw with the frequency of the energy waves (closed eye visual colours) changing periodically like at the start it was quite strong and fast then later it changed to slower dancing colours then there was a break with nothing. i assume that was like 25 minutes in as usual. seems like it has a typical schedule.
Then it started again. lots of sensations. touch in left palm twice, touch on face. pain in right leg again. discomfort in side of groin like itching which was getting a bit much so i had a good scratch. saw a blue star. then later i am not sure what happened.