A non religious Ancient Spiritual Healing Art in Modern Times:
Bringing Inner Freedom for Body, Mind and Spirit.
A down to Earth approach to Spirituality.
“I was just thinking today how very glad I am with Merlin Healing. It has really boosted all of my life, making me so much more happy and content with life, myself, and my relationships. It makes me so happy!”
You may find quick answers to your questions here – FAQ
Welcome to Merlin Healing®.
Merlin Healing® consists of the first phase of courses as a prerequisite to what has evolved into the higher levels working with the beings of Manne Consciousness®.
The evolutionary process…. Merlin Healing® introduces the entry level courses, ‘M1 Pure Heart’ through ‘M4 Love’, working predominantly through Merlin. Manne Consciousness®, is something greater, bringing in the more advanced levels from ‘M5 Be’ onward through this collective consciousness of highly evolved Divine beings.
What is Merlin Healing®
Merlin Healing is a non contact healing art bringing in unique coded frequencies of light/energy to effect positive change. It’s channeled from the Heart, very easy to work with and very effective at clearing the energetic blockages that can make life difficult and complicated.
How it works.
It’s delivered through Courses, distant Group Sessions and personal one to one sessions. Courses currently held in UK, Holland and by Skype.
Courses can held in other areas by invitation.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
How can you benefit?
Perhaps you want to enhance your spiritual skills or maybe your life is a constant struggle. This will enhance the quality of your life. As your life improves it also affects those around you in a positive way. Sometimes it’s a bumpy, twisting road but it possibly already is if you’re reading this. It’s an ongoing journey but Keith will help you through it to something smoother and straighter.
About Keith.
Keith spent most of his working life as an international truck driver. Had spells of being a salesman and once had his own high street shop selling tour t-shirts, posters etc., and then a t-shirt printing business. Following an injury in 2000 he stumbled upon complimentary therapies. Through no conscious intention or plan of his own he later found himself to be the founder, holder and teacher of what is Merlin Healing®
Upcoming Events
A Day of Healing.
Attend in person at Hensbroek NL or in the comfort of your own home.
August 27th 2016
Next Group Healing Session 31st July 2016 at 7pm UK time.
‘Raising Your Vibration’.
Click here for more info on how the sessions work.
Cost to join is £10
Merlin Healing® is not an alternative to professional medical help. If you would normally seek medical help for physical, mental or emotional issues then you should continue to do so.
Fully insured to practice and teach.
The content of this website is Copyright protected. ©Keith Mapson 2011-2016
The ‘M’ symbol, Merlin Healing® and Manne Consciousness® are registered trademarks of Keith M Mapson. All rights reserved.
Terms and Conditions